Help Youths Project (HYP) primary focus is to empathize with our youths to gather relevant information to re-engineer them to attain their full-life potentials through relevant education, skill acquisition and other relevant empowerment  programs that will enhance their life and sustain economic development within the limits of our resources.

With these positive engagements, the tendency to engage in inappropriate activities as means of expressing their capabilities will be curbed while harnessing their skills/potentials for self and economic development.


HYP will also be channeling her resources to assisting orphans and young families that are passing through the painful experience of divorce/spousal demise  or loss of income by providing emotional and financial support.
We therefore implore you to assist us in whatever ways possible to empower our youths to guarantee the continued existence of our families, communities and the states. 
Your supportive tax-deductible donation can be done using the button below !